

News 13 May 2024
ASOIU students awarded first place in international startup competition

ASOIU students were awarded 1st place in the international startup competition "Finding Innovative and Creative Solutions." The initial stage of the competition was held within the framework of "Green World Solidarity Year" at Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU).

Organized jointly by AzTU and the National University of Science and Technology in Pakistan (NUST), the competition saw participation from 22 teams representing a total of 10 higher education institutions in Azerbaijan. The aim was to encourage university professors and students to contribute innovative ideas to solve global problems.

The team leader from ASOIU, comprised of PhD Elviz Ismayilov, Farid Shikhiyev, Aida Adigozalova, Rufat Aliyev, Murad Samadov, and Mehpara Heydarova, named the ABC team, was awarded first place for their ideas in the competition.

The ABC startup is a wheelchair system controlled by head movements designed for people with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). Additionally, it includes a computer-controlled by head movements to facilitate communication for individuals with disabilities. It's worth noting that the initial phase of the project was developed at Azerbaijan Technical University's "Cezeri Lab," specializing in 3D technologies and electronics.
