

News 15 May 2024
Lecture held at ASOIU as part of "Green World Solidarity Year"

On May 15, the Faculty of Power Engineering at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted an open lecture on environmental protection titled "The Green Road Leading Azerbaijan to Rapid Development - Our Changing World and Green Resources" as part of the 2024 "Green World Solidarity Year."

The event began with an opening speech by Associate Professor Aydin Aliyev, Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering, who welcomed the participants and provided an overview of the topic.

Following this, Associate Professor Fakhraddin Rahimov from the Department of Energy Production Technologies delivered a presentation on "The Green Road Leading Azerbaijan to Rapid Development - Our Changing World and Green Resources." He covered various methods to prevent environmental pollution in Azerbaijan, the ongoing efforts in the country aimed at environmental protection, and the international conventions adopted to combat global environmental pollution.

At the end of the event, participants' questions were addressed.
