

News 15 May 2024
Presentation of the Caspian Innovation Center internship program held at ASOIU

On May 15, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) hosted the presentation of the Caspian Innovation Center internship program.

During the presentation, Saadat Nurmammadova, the company's Human Resources Manager, provided an overview of the meeting and detailed information about the internship program.

Following this, Farida Mammadova, the company's Senior Learning and Development Specialist, delivered a presentation titled "Build Your Digital Twin with Us." She covered topics including service areas, partners, current projects, and the application and selection process for the internship program.

Rauf Mahmudlu, the company's Chief Information Security Officer, gave an in-depth presentation on cybersecurity trends and security solutions.

At the end of the event, participants' questions were answered, discussions were held, and a workshop was conducted for the students.
