

News 16 May 2024
Professors from Türkiye hold seminar for students at ASOIU

On May 15, professors from Türkiye held a seminar for students at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

Professors Sevilay Çetin, Gökhan Ünlü, Sinan Aksöz, and Osman Nuri Ağdağ from Pamukkale University in Türkiye visited ASOIU, organized by the Department of Instrumentation Engineering. They got acquainted with the university, including its educational facilities and conditions. The visiting professors from the brotherly country met with faculty and department heads as well as the vice-rectors of ASOIU to discuss cooperation between the two educational institutions.

During the visit, a seminar was held for students with the participation of professors from Pamukkale University and ASOIU, focusing on nanotechnologies, medical devices, and wireless energy transmission.

At the seminar, Professor Lala Bakirova, head of the Department of Instrumentation Engineering, and Associate Professor Farid Aghayev, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Control, spoke about the purpose of the meeting and the presentation topics. They emphasized the importance of the seminar and encouraged students to participate actively. The professors then delivered presentations on the specified topics.

At the end of the event, students' questions related to the topics were answered, and gifts were presented to the guests.
