

News 20 May 2024
Round table discussion on "Zero Carbon Emissions" held at ASOIU

A round table discussion on "Zero Carbon Emissions" was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), organized by the Faculty of Power Engineering as part of the "Green World Solidarity Year" in 2024. The discussion focused on topics such as environmental protection, methods to prevent the increase of carbon emissions in the atmosphere, industrial activities and energy consumption, and the advantages of using alternative and renewable energy sources. Various proposals were also put forward.

ASOIU’s Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, emphasized the importance of the topic, noting that environmental protection is a critical issue not only for Azerbaijan but also for leading countries worldwide. She discussed the initiatives under the "Green World Solidarity Year" and the significant steps taken by the country in this direction. She also highlighted the importance of applying modern technical and technological means to environmental management to address contemporary challenges.

During the event, which was attended by faculty members and students, the Dean of the Faculty of Power Engineering, Associate Professor Aydin Aliyev, spoke about the environmental damage caused by industrial activities and energy production and the ways to mitigate this damage. He elaborated on the work being done in this direction at the university and the faculty, the projects to be implemented, and prospects, offering several proposals.

Subsequently, Associate Professor Fakhraddin Rahimov from the "Energy Production Technologies" department gave a presentation on the topic.

The round table concluded with discussions and suggestions on the topic.
