

News 05 Oct 2017
ASOIU celebrates World Teachers’ Day

On October 5 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event dedicated to October 5 – World Teachers’ Day.

Opening the event, Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli congratulated all the teachers bearing this title with dignity. Highlighting the influence and importance of being a teacher, Rector of ASOIU Professor M. Babanli said teachers had always been highly appreciated in Azerbaijan.

“Our country has always valued teaching as a profession. We will continue to defend this title and not allow anyone to bring harm. We should train highly-qualified specialists in response to great care by Mr. President Ilham Aliyev towards education” – said Rector, Professor M. Babanli.

Member of Parliament Aydin Mirzazade congratulated ASOIU’s professors and teachers on the occasion of the special day, underlining that Azerbaijani teachers had always been influential, and ASOIU had had many educated and such influential teachers. Noting that AzII (now ASOIU) was the dream university of each young person, MP A. Mirzazade said today the university is one of the most favorite educational establishments in the country.

ASOIU Professor, MP Huseynbala Miralamov called the teachers’ day a holy day and congratulated all his colleagues on the occasion of this day.

“Schools are literally a temple, and teachers are the sacred priests of this temple”. This day is quite remarkable” – said H.Miralamov.

Then, names of 20 teachers awarded for perfectly performing their activities in 2016/2017 academic year were declared.

Speaking at the event, granted the personal stipend of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, ASOIU professor Kamal Abdullayev expressed his deepest gratitude to everyone for care and value.  

“I thank the Head of state Ilham Aliyev for such prize. I am proud of living in a developed country today” – said Professor K. Abdullayev.

At the end of the event, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Associate Professor Ata Babayev read the message of the participants to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev.
