

News 20 May 2024
Civil defence meeting for management team held at ASOIU

On May 20, a civil defence meeting for the management team was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The event was attended by ASOIU's vice-rectors and faculty members. During the meeting, Elshan Mammadov, head of the Civil Defense Headquarters, spoke about the importance of civil defence in ensuring human safety and security. He noted that regular drills related to civil defence are conducted at ASOIU to maintain a high level of safety.

The meeting covered procedures and behaviours during emergencies such as earthquakes and fires, including self-defence, ensuring personal safety, initial medical aid, and evacuation processes. It was mentioned that the university's Civil Defense Headquarters has designated commanders for four groups and provided them with relevant instructions. The continuous theoretical and practical exercises have contributed to the high level of preparedness among the staff.

During the drill, the civil defence commanders shared information about their respective areas of responsibility. Proposals and planned actions for enhancing the organization of civil defence were also discussed.
