

News 21 May 2024
ASOIU staff member awarded ICPC special prize

PhD Elviz Ismayilov, the director of the Digital Development and Innovation Center at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), participated in the symposium dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the "International Collegiate Programming Contest" (ICPC), organized by the Innovation and Digital Development Agency.

The event was attended by representatives from government agencies, leaders of higher education institutions, members of the "ICPC Azerbaijan" organizing committee, team leaders of student teams, participants of programming competitions, graduates who have represented Azerbaijan in this competition in various years, as well as local and international experts.

During the symposium, special recognition was given to experienced coaches, including Elviz Ismayilov, who has been actively involved in the ICPC movement for more than 5 years.

It's worth noting that panel sessions were organized during the symposium on topics such as the ICPC movement, the impact of programming competitions on the IT industry, and the role of digitization in the country. Discussions were also held on increasing students' and youth's interest in programming and IT.
