

News 21 May 2024
Career Opportunities in IT: Seminar at ASOIU

On May 21, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) organized a seminar on "Career Opportunities in IT."

The presenter, Fakhri Agayev, discussed the current realities of the job market, competition, the demands of the modern business world, and the potential challenges young people may face in building successful careers in the IT field. Sharing his own professional and personal development experiences, F.Agayev emphasized the importance of self-improvement, especially in a time when technology is rapidly advancing, and provided advice to students on enhancing their knowledge and skills in this direction.

Highlighting that the main purpose of such seminars is to share the experiences of successful professionals in the workplace and support students in their future activities, F. Agayev answered numerous questions from students related to the topic.
