

News 21 May 2024
ASOIU Professor participates in international congress in Türkiye

Professor Fariz Amirli, the head of the Department of Technology of Organic Substances and High Molecular Compounds at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), participated in an international congress held at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul from May 16th to 18th, 2024. He delivered a presentation at the International Food Innovation and Sustainability Congress (IFIS2024).

The main objective of the congress was to address and find solutions to issues related to sustainable food, durability, and environmental concerns. As a member of the organizing committee, Prof. Fariz Amirli chaired one session of the congress, which comprised four sections.

It's worth noting that distinguished scholars from various parts of the world, including the United States, Iran, Moldova, Romania, Azerbaijan, and others, participated in the congress. The event facilitated comprehensive discussions on the topic, along with analysis and insights into necessary steps to be taken in the future. Considering the relevance of the subject matter, the importance of holding such congress regularly in different countries was emphasized.
