

News 22 May 2024
Meeting on the integration of international students into society held at ASOIU

On May 22, the State Migration Service of Azerbaijan held a meeting at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) addressing the integration of international students into society.

Organized with the support of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the “Development of Migration Field” Public Union, the meeting was attended by representatives of the State Migration Service, staff from ASOIU's International Students Department, and international students.

At the meeting, Vidadi Fatullayev, Chair of the “Development of Migration Field” Public Union, greeted the participants, noting the growing interest of international students in education in Azerbaijan. He mentioned that a unified portal for international students has been created by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan. V.Fatullayev also provided information about the migration service's online resources.

Additionally, representatives from various departments of the State Migration Service, including Deputy Chief of the Legal Support Department, Khayala Abbasova, Chief Inspector of the Migration Process Regulation Department Ruslan Agayev, Deputy Chief Inspector of the Migration Process Analysis Department Sunay Guliyev, and Head of Sector Elvin Ismayilov, spoke about the services provided by the State Migration Service, current migration regulations concerning international students, various aspects of migration legislation, and rules for using electronic services and resources. They also discussed the registration of international students and addressed current issues encountered in migration matters.

The meeting concluded with a Q&A session where participants' questions were answered.
