

News 24 May 2024
Presentation of "Knowledge Engineering" and "Fuzzy Logic and its Applications" books held at AzII e-Book House

On May 24, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a presentation for two books authored by the university’s Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova, titled “Knowledge Engineering” and “Fuzzy Logic and its Applications” at the AzII e-Book House.

The event was attended by Deputy Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Gahraman Hasanov, Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Control (ITC), Associate Professor Farid Agayev, Dean of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Production, Professor Elman Iskandarov, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova, Dean of the Faculty of Geological Exploration, Associate Professor Namad Pashayev, Dean of the Faculty of Oil-Mechanical Engineering, Associate Professor Alihikmat Ahmadov, Head of the Computer Engineering Department, Associate Professor Nazila Rahimova, Head of the Instrumentation Engineering Department, Professor Lala Bakirova, and other staff members and doctoral candidates who shared their thoughts on the books. During their speeches, they noted that these books would serve as significant scientific resources not only at the university but also in the country.

Professor Latafat Gardashova, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and author of the books expressed her gratitude for the high praise given to her works and emphasized the relevance of the topics covered.

The book “Fuzzy Logic and its Applications,” a 423-page monograph published by the university, is recognized for its high quality and elegant design. It explores the efficient application of fuzzy logic in various fields including engineering, economics, medicine, and the oil industry. This monograph is beneficial for students, researchers, practitioners, and anyone interested in this field.

The textbook “Knowledge Engineering,” comprising 260 pages and also published by ASOIU, covers all modern issues related to various fundamental artificial intelligence theories, ensuring that students understand the course content. It is a valuable resource for university professors, as well as for bachelor's, master's, and doctoral students, detailing practical knowledge engineering experiences.
