

News 01 Jun 2024
Training sessions held at ASOIU within the 15th Alumni-Career Fair

On May 31, during the 15th Alumni-Career Fair held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), experts from leading companies conducted various training sessions for students.

Tomislav Klenkar, Operations Manager at “Turan Drilling and Engineering,” led a session on “Leadership and the Professions of the Future.” Sitara Mustafazada, Head of the Human Resources Business Partnership Sector at “AzerGold” CJSC, presented “A Successful CV is Your Business Card,” and Javid Shahmuradov, Research and Development Specialist at “MKT Production Commercial” LLC, gave a training titled "White Gold: The Reward of Years of Effort".

Additionally, Elchin Allahverdiyev, Director of the Sales Department at “PashaPay” LLC, discussed “Future Job Opportunities and Modern Practices,” and Nigar Aliyeva, Human Resources Director at “Azerbaijan Fish Farm” LLC, led a training on the “International Sales Specialist” development program. All the sessions generated great interest and enthusiasm among the students.

During the trainings, company representatives provided detailed information on building a successful career, modern professions and job opportunities, the importance of developing soft skills, self-improvement, and the formation of leadership qualities. The experts shared their extensive experiences and answered the students’ questions at the end of the sessions.
