

News 04 Jun 2024
ASOIU hosts guests from international conference on earth sciences and environmental issues

On June 4, the Acting Rector of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, met with researchers visiting the country as part of the conference titled “Caspian Basin in Transition: Bridging Geosciences and Environmental Challenges 2024”.

The meeting was attended by ASOIU's Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova; Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov; the Acting Executive Director of UFAZ, Latifa Nasibova; the Director of the Global Environmental Policy Program at the University of Geneva, Alexander Hedjazi; Geophysics researcher at Oxford University, Neil Marshall; Earth Sciences researcher Richard Walker; and researcher Professor Sassan Saatchi from the California Institute of Technology.

After welcoming the guests to the university, Acting Rector Vazeh Asgarov noted that hosting significant events like COP29 and holding scientific conferences and projects in the field of green energy within the framework of the "Green World Solidarity Year" provides a crucial impetus for expanding cooperation with universities and scientific institutions and developing new projects. Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov emphasized the importance of further expanding ASOIU's connections in this direction and the significance of developing collaboration and conducting scientific research.

The guests expressed their pleasure at being at ASOIU and spoke about the importance of meetings and discussions held within the framework of conferences addressing modern challenges. After providing information about their respective universities, the guests highlighted the extensive opportunities for joint cooperation and research. They discussed the research work they were conducting, as well as the projects related to innovations and advancements.

At the end of the meeting, gifts were presented to the guests.

During their visit to the university, the guests toured ASOIU's Mineralogy Museum, where they were introduced to various types of minerals preserved there, as well as the History Museum, where they viewed exhibits related to the history of oil and the university.
