

News 05 Jun 2024
Delegation led by Rector of Türkiye's Sabancı University visits ASOIU

On June 4, a delegation led by Professor Yusuf Leblebici, Rector of Türkiye's Sabanci University, visited the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

During the meeting between ASOIU's Acting Rector, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, and Sabancı University's Rector, Professor Yusuf Leblebici, they discussed mutual cooperation and the implementation of prospective educational and scientific projects.

Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov provided the guests with detailed information about the university's history, the educational process, and the application of modern technological innovations in education. He expressed interest in collaborating with the fraternal country's Sabancı University and shared his hope that the joint projects would yield positive results quickly.

Professor Yusuf Leblebici thanked ASOIU for the hospitality and gave a comprehensive overview of Sabancı University. He emphasized their interest in cooperating with ASOIU and their commitment to achieving successful outcomes.

At the end of the meeting, the parties exchanged gifts and took commemorative photos.

During their visit to ASOIU, the guests toured the auditoriums and laboratories, gaining a closer insight into the university and appreciating the conditions created for education and teaching.
