

News 05 Jun 2024
Spring semester exam session starts at ASOIU

The examination session for the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year has begun at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). Exams are being held for first, second, and third-year undergraduate students and first-year master's students.

ASOIU has taken all necessary measures to ensure that the examination session is organized according to existing regulations and that transparency and objectivity are maintained in the assessment of students' knowledge. The Exam Observation Center, established to ensure transparency, oversees the examination process.

At ASOIU, exams in "Mathematics" and "Business and Academic Communication in a Foreign Language" are conducted in a written-oral format, while all other exams (both undergraduate and master's levels) are conducted in a written format. A new practice has been introduced where the exam for "Business and Academic Communication in a Foreign Language" is administered by a different faculty member from the department, not the one who taught the subject. After the exams, the answers are coded and checked in a designated auditorium before the results are uploaded to the electronic system (LMS). Students have 72 hours from the announcement of the exam results to submit an appeal.

The spring semester exam session at ASOIU started in the part-time department in the second half of May, and in the full-time department on May 31, and will conclude on July 5. 

For students who receive an insufficient grade on an exam (only for two subjects), the option for a retake exam is available on September 3-14 upon student request, with a fee of 25%. Additionally, students who wish to improve their grades in various subjects can apply for the paid summer semester.

In the written exams, students' coded answer sheets are checked by teachers in room 522. During the checking period, teachers must hand over their phones to the supervisors when entering the room.
