

News 05 Jun 2024
New book presentation held at AzII e-Book House

The presentation of Professor Kamala Aliyeva's monograph "Classical and Fuzzy Decision-Making Methods" was held at the AzII e-Book House of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).
The event began with the director of the AzII e-Library, Salakhat Mahmudova, providing detailed information about the publication to the participants.
During the event, speeches were made by ASOIU’s Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova; Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology and Control (ITC), Associate Professor Farid Aghayev; Head of the "Instrumentation Engineering" Department, Professor Lala Bakirova; Head of the "Electronics and Automation" Department, Associate Professor Akif Alizadeh; Head of the "Computer Engineering" Department, Associate Professor Nazila Rahimova; Dean of the "Sabah" groups, Arzu Ibrahimova; Lecturer in the "Instrumentation Engineering" Department, Aynur Jabiyeva; the author of the book, Professor Kamala Aliyeva; Deputy Director of BA programs, Nigar Adilova and others. They all discussed the scientific significance of the book, emphasizing its high quality and elegant design, and considered it an important resource in the field.
The monograph "Classical and Fuzzy Decision-Making Methods" mainly explores decision-making issues using Topsis, Vikor, Dematel, Dea, Delphi, and other methods, as well as their fuzzy extensions. Examples of the application of these methods to various problems are provided. Researchers in fields such as economics, social sciences, management, education, medicine, law, and others will benefit from classical and fuzzy decision-making methods. The 422-page monograph was published by ASOIU in 2023.
