

News 06 Jun 2024
ASOIU's "Brand Students" awarded

As part of the "Brand Student" project organized by AzEdu.az Education Portal and universities, the awarding of students selected according to specific criteria continues.

On June 6, AzEdu.az and Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) jointly organized a ceremony to honour the "Brand Students" studying at the university.

The event was attended by Elshad Eyvazli, founder of the AzEdu.az Education Portal and chairman of the Azerbaijan Parliamentary Journalists Association; Bahruz Nazarov, director of ASOIU's Public Relations and Marketing Department; Sabina Aliyeva, head of the Internship Division; Zumrud Huseynova, industrial internship specialist; Gunel Taghiyeva, journalist of the Public Relations and Marketing Department; and the students awarded the "Brand Student" status.

The award ceremony began with a speech by Bahruz Nazarov. He congratulated the students who received the "Brand Student" title, spoke about the university's prestige, and emphasized the special role of this project in motivating students.

Following this, Elshad Eyvazli and Sabina Aliyeva congratulated the students and wished them success in their academic lives.

Finally, the "Brand Students" were presented with their awards, and a commemorative photo was taken.

The students of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University who received the "Brand Student" status are as follows:

- Gulzar Nasrullayeva - Oil and Gas Engineering, 4th year, Oil and Gas Production Faculty, SABAH Groups

- Gulara Tahmazova - Environmental Engineering, 3rd year, Chemical Technology Faculty

- Fazila Shiralizade - Chemical Engineering, 3rd year, Chemical Technology Faculty, SABAH Groups

- Maryam Isayeva - Energy Engineering, 2nd year, Power Engineering Faculty

- Nuray Abbasova - Geology and Geophysics Engineering, 2nd year, Geological Exploration Faculty

- Ramila Eyvazova - Oil and Gas Engineering, 3rd year, Oil and Gas Production Faculty, SABAH Groups

- Sevil Rahimova - Chemical Engineering, 3rd year, Chemical Technology Faculty

- Zuleykha Huseynova - Instrumentation Engineering, 2nd year, Information Technology and Control Faculty

- Alibay Asadov - Mechanical Engineering, 4th year, Oil-Mechanics Faculty

- Javidan Ashurlu - Computer Engineering, 1st year, Information Technology and Control Faculty
