

News 11 Jun 2024
Pupils from Bilasuvar Education Complex visited ASOIU

Pupils from the Bilasuvar Education Complex named after National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov visited the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU).

The pupils first visited the monument of National Hero Mubariz Ibrahimov and the memorial complex dedicated to ASOIU alumni who became martyrs in the Patriotic War, paying their deep respects to the fallen heroes.

Following this, the students toured the ASOIU History Museum, where they were introduced to historical exhibits related to the university. They were provided with detailed information about the university's history, its activities during various periods, distinguished alumni, and the specializations offered.

The students also visited the Mineralogy Museum of the university, where they viewed various preserved exhibits. The museum director, Associate Professor Aghamehdi Aghayev, provided comprehensive information about the names, chemical compositions, and locations of the minerals.

One of the places that particularly captured the students' interest during their visit was the AzII e-Book House. Here, the students familiarized themselves with the facilities created for students' independent reading and knowledge acquisition.

Leaving the university with positive impressions, several students expressed their intention to choose ASOIU for their future higher education.
