

News 11 Jun 2024
Another book presentation held at AzII e-Book House

On June 11, a book presentation was held at the AzII e-Book House as part of the "Scientists of Azerbaijan" series. The event featured the launch of a bibliographic guide dedicated to the life and pedagogical work of Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor of the "Technology of Organic Substances and High-Molecular Compounds" Department, and Honored Teacher, Minira Aghahuseynova.

In her opening speech, the Director of the AzII e-Book House, Salakhat Mahmudova, provided detailed information about the book and informed the participants that the bibliographic guide was published to mark the 50th anniversary of the scientist's professional career.

The presentation was attended by prominent figures including Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Academician and Full Member of ANAS, Director of Y.H.Mamedaliyev's Institute of Petrochemical Processes under the Ministry of Science and Education, Vagif Abbasov; Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs at ASOIU, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov; Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Latafat Gardashova; Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov; Head of the Department of General and Applied Mathematics, Professor Araz Aliyev; Dean of the Faculty of Chemical Technology, Professor Sevinj Mammadkhanova; Professor at the Faculty of Oil Mechanics, Ibrahim Habibov; Deputy Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs, Professor Gahraman Hasanov; Head of the Department of Technology of Chemical and Inorganic Substances, Professor Yunis Gahramanli; Head of the Department of Technology of Organic Substances and High-Molecular Compounds, Professor Fariz Amirov; Head of Laboratory at the Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Professor Arif Afandi, and other department staff. They congratulated Professor Minira Aghahuseynova on the occasion of her 50th career anniversary, highlighting her valuable contributions to the fields of chemistry and inorganic substances technology, and discussing her professional life which is beneficial to scientists, experts, students, and the general readership.

The bibliographic guide, prepared by the AzII e-Book House and printed at the ASOIU publishing house, is a 2024 publication of high quality and elegant design. It includes key dates of the scientist’s life and creative work, her published works, articles, theses, and speeches. This jubilee edition marks the 50th anniversary of her professional career and is intended primarily for scientists, experts, students, and a broad readership interested in the field of chemistry and inorganic substances technology.
