

News 13 Jun 2024
Seminar on "Combating Corruption" held at ASOIU

On June 13, a seminar on "Combating Corruption" was held at the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU). The event began with an opening speech by ASOIU’s Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, who welcomed the participants and highlighted the crucial role of awareness in the fight against corruption. He emphasized the importance of the measures taken by the state in this regard. 

Justice Advisor, Doctor of Law, and Professor Matanat Asgarova delivered a speech on the topic, noting that corruption remains a significant global issue that negatively impacts general development and security in societies worldwide. She mentioned that combating organized and consistent corruption has always been a priority for President Ilham Aliyev. M. Asgarova pointed out that national strategies and action plans have been adopted as part of the measures taken in this field. She also discussed the efforts made to expand the acceptance of citizens' appeals in this area and detailed the significant measures implemented to prevent corruption offenses. Additionally, she provided comprehensive information on the requirements of anti-corruption legislation and existing normative-legal acts.

The seminar further addressed the need to increase transparency in the activities of state institutions, prevent situations conducive to corruption, enhance accountability to the public, improve and digitize services provided to the population, and ensure the continuity of anti-corruption measures. 

The event concluded with an extensive exchange of views on the topic, and participants' questions were answered.
