

News 14 Jun 2024
ASOIU ranked among the world's top universities in five categories

The results of the "THE Impact 2024" rankings by Times Higher Education (THE), one of the world's most prestigious international ranking organizations, have been announced. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has been ranked in the 601+ group among the world's top universities in two categories and in the 801+ group in two other categories.

Additionally, ASOIU has, for the first time, been ranked in the 1501+ group in the "THE Impact 2024" rankings, evaluated according to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Specifically, ASOIU has achieved the same successful result in the 13th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) "Climate Action" and the 4th Sustainable Development Goal "Quality Education," ranking among the world's top universities in the 601-800 group.

In the 5th Sustainable Development Goal "Gender Equality" and the 7th Sustainable Development Goal "Affordable and Clean Energy," ASOIU has been evaluated in the 801-1000 group among the world's top universities. Additionally, ASOIU has ranked in the 1501+ group for the 17th Sustainable Development Goal.
