

News 10 Jul 2024
ASOIU holds "Graduation Day" at the National Gymnastics Arena

On July 9, the "Graduation Day" of the Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held at the National Gymnastics Arena.

The event began with the playing of the National Anthem and a minute of silence in memory of National Leader Heydar Aliyev and the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. In his opening speech, the Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov, congratulated the graduates on their successful completion of university. He informed the participants about the organization of education and training at ASOIU, which produces highly qualified engineers, the university's scientific achievements, and its high positions in international metric databases. Associate Professor Vazeh Asgarov noted that thanks to the attention and care of National Leader Heydar Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, and the support of the Ministry of Science and Education and the State Agency for Science and Higher Education, the reforms in higher education in the country are yielding results. Today, 18 specialties at ASOIU have passed international accreditation, and our university is ranked among the top 1200 universities out of more than 50,000 higher education institutions worldwide in the QS ranking. This year, 4,050 students are graduating from ASOIU, and they are qualified specialists who can contribute to our state and nation.

At the "Graduation Day," speeches were made by Minister of Youth and Sports Farid Gayibov, Deputy Minister of Science and Education Idris Isayev, Chairman of the Milli Majlis Committee for Natural Resources, Energy and Ecology Sadig Gurbanov, Head of Nasimi District Executive Power Asif Askerov, and SOCAR Vice President Arzu Javadova. They emphasized that the education and healthy development of youth have always been a priority in Azerbaijan. The speakers highlighted the contributions of engineers trained by ASOIU to the development of the oil industry both in Azerbaijan and worldwide. The guests congratulated the graduates and noted that there is still a high demand for specialists trained by this prominent educational institution in the industry.

The "Graduation Day," filled with high enthusiasm, continued with video presentations on the annual activities and teaching process of the university, followed by the awarding of the students with the highest scores.

The "Graduation Day" concluded with a cultural program featuring interesting musical performances by ASOIU's "Youth" song and dance ensemble, as well as colorful performances by People's Artist Roya Ayxan and Ayaz Babayev.
