

News 06 Oct 2017
ASOIU is taking part in the 11th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition with an extensive presentation

Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University is joining the 11th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition (Education 2017) that is being held at Baku Expo Centre on October 6-8, 2017 with the official support of the Ministry of Education. The motto of the exhibition is “Human capital is our greatest asset”. Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University presents its taught specialties, double programs, international relations. Books and training manuals about engineering, petrochemistry and information technologies of the university’s academic staff are demonstrated at ASOIU’s stand. By approaching ASOIU’s stand, visitors can become acquainted with the university’s education opportunities and innovations through videos, prospectus in Azerbaijani, Russian and English languages, 3 different booklets, “Oil and Industry” magazine published in 2 languages. Visitors can also familiarize themselves with prototypes of GRP, KubiRub, Camtouch, Multivizor and other projects of “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center functioning under ASOIU. It should also be noted that three projects of “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center will be separately presented to visitors at the exhibition lecture hall. Member of ASOIU “Ganjlik” song and dance ensemble, winner of numerous international festivals with a history of more than 50 years, will perform on the central stage of the exhibition hall. The Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) that operates under ASOIU also presents its wide education opportunities at the exhibition.

A total of 14 higher education institutions have their stands at the 11th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition (Education 2017). Germany, Austria, Belarus, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Russia, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia and other countries will present their universities, colleges, general education institutions and educational centers at the exhibition.

In general, within the frames of the 3-day-long exhibition, visitors will be presented with Bachelor’s and Master’s programs, foreign language courses, internship and training programs. Exhibition visitors will have the opportunity to directly speak to representatives of leading higher education institutions to inquire about the application process, tuition fees and other issues.
