

News 18 Jul 2024
Free access to "EBSCO Discovery Service" for AzII e-Book House

Readers of the AzII e-Book House at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) have been provided with free access to the services of "EBSCO Discovery Service" (EDS) within the framework of the Azerbaijan Library Information Consortium (AzLIC). ASOIU's professors, students, young researchers, and readers of the AzII e-Book House will be able to benefit from the system.

"EBSCO Discovery Service" is a comprehensive, integrated search system that allows users to search for articles and bibliographic information from foreign publications, providing electronic access to the full texts of documents with licensed access (purchased, subscribed resources, resources provided by external suppliers for trial use). The system indexes hundreds of resource packages from various suppliers, publishers, and platforms available in open access mode for the university without specific restrictions. This enables students, teachers, and scientists to work with vast scientific information sources worldwide.

Access to the "EBSCO Discovery Service" search system is available through the AzII e-Book House page.
