

News 23 Jul 2024
"Demo Day" event hosted at UFAZ

A "Demo Day" event took place at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ).

During the event, six startup teams ("Toyda", "Artopia", "Qutu", "Cupzz", "Youngh", and "Goalplus") who successfully completed the "Ignite" incubation program showcased their innovative ideas and initial products to jury members, potential investors, and partners.

Following their presentations, the startup teams fielded questions from the jury. Based on the presentations and the Q&A session, the jury evaluated the startups and selected two winners.

At the conclusion of the event, the winning startups were announced. "Goalplus" secured first place, while "Toyda" took second place. Both startups received an initial seed investment of 5000 AZN.

Additionally, UFAZ alumnus Omar Nuruzada shared his journey and success story with his startup "Nexus Lab," of which he is the co-founder and director, with guests and participants.

It is worth noting that the "Ignite" incubation program is a three-month initiative run by the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center of the Azerbaijan-French University. It is designed for startups aiming to progress from the idea stage to the minimum viable product stage.
