

News 07 Oct 2017
Open Days held at ASOIU

Open days were held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on October 7. The event was attended by Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli, university’s academic staff members and students.

Rector, Prof M. Babanli greeted the attendees and provided information on recently conducted reforms. Saying overall 2620 students were accepted to Bachelor’s degree in 2017/2018 academic year, Rector, Prof M. Babanli noted the gradually rising level of students admitted to ASOIU: “Overall 1637 Bachelor’s students graduated from ASOIU in the past academic year. This year, we have accepted 2620 students to Bachelor’s degree level. Of them, 147 people are students of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ). For the first time in ASOIU, 602 students study at the English department. Achievements in Bachelor’s degree are not only limited to quantity. We attach great importance to quality. The average score of 2410 students admitted to our university last year was 436 points. Along with the increase in student enrollment in the current year, the average score also amounted to 439. Moreover, we have accepted 512 people to Master’s degree level, and their average score indicator is 100.6. Certainly, such progress makes us very happy”.

Saying one of the most vital tasks now is strengthening the material and technical base of the university, Rector M. Babanli highlighted that meetings are organized at each department in this regard, and joint discussions are held to improve the laboratories.

Prof M. Babanli informed students about the admission to the Azerbaijan-French University functioning under ASOIU in 2017/2018 academic year. He noted that the interest of young people in this university has noticeably increased: “427 prospective students applied to UFAZ this year. Only 147 of them were admitted to the university. It is very encouraging that if the average score of students admitted to UFAZ was 585, this number reached 610 in the current year. Our main purpose is to raise AzII to the level of UFAZ”.

Rector Mustafa Babanli also spoke about the renovation of training programs, accreditation of several specialties of ASOIU in Europe, development of IT Academy, application of students to SOCAR’s internal scholarship programs, Alumni and Career Center, daily internship programs, Unibook, issuance of graduate thesis topics, exams and other issues.

In the end, the students received answers to their questions.
