

News 09 Oct 2017
ASOIU startup projects receive offers from potential clients at the 11th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition

On October 7, on the second day of the 11th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition (Education 2017), Executive Director of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ), functioning under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Vazeh Asgarov and UFAZ General Secretary Charlotte Payen delivered a presentation. They provided the visitors with comprehensive information on UFAZ teaching process, programs, admission requirements and summer school. Following the presentation, UFAZ students demonstrated a startup project on improvement of remote control detectors. The project caused great interest of the audience.

Then, three projects of the students of ASOIU “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center were presented at the lecture hall of the exhibition. An extensive information was given about GRP, KubiRub and Camtouch projects of ASOIU students, and each project was demonstrated in front of the audience. In the end, visitors received answers to their questions.

Khumar Musayeva, member of ASOIU “Ganjlik” song and dance ensemble, winner of numerous international festivals with a history of more than 50 years, performed “Tarakama” on the central stage of the exhibition hall. Then, UFAZ students Aynur Jarrahova and Lala Ismayilova sang the famous hit “Je veux”.

Notably, a total of 14 higher education institutions have their stands at the 11th Azerbaijan International Education Exhibition. Germany, Austria, Belarus, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Russia, Romania, Singapore, Slovakia and other countries will present their universities, colleges, general education institutions and educational centers at the exhibition.
