

News 13 Oct 2017
ASOIU holds a meeting with SAC chairmen and members

On October 12 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University held a meeting with the chairmen and members of the State Attestation Commission (SAC) regarding Bachelor’s degree level in 2016/2017 academic year. The meeting featured discussions on organizing the attestation exams, evaluating the diploma theses and level of preparedness of graduates in line with the requirements of the education standards and the country’s modern economy.

Rector of ASOIU, Professor Mustafa Babanli informed the attendees about the results of 2016/2017 academic year and the accomplished work in the university. Despite that the number of students graduating from Bachelor’s degree level was 1637 in the last academic year, 2620 people have been admitted to the university in the new academic year. Although the number of students has significantly risen, the average admission score has reached 439 points. Rector M. Babanli said this progress was the result of activities carried out in the university. Rector, Professor M. Babanli informed that 292 of students scoring over 600 and around 900 of those scoring 500 and more in group 1 examinations chose ASOIU, underlining that this puts great responsibility on the university to improve the quality of teaching. In addition to informing the participants about AzII-IT-Club and “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center functioning under ASOIU, accreditation of specialties, production internship of students, activities of the university’s Alumni and Career Center, Rector M. Babanli noted other existing problems and wanted to know the thoughts of SAC chairmen regarding these issues. SAC chairmen Elchin Abbasov, Novruz Abdullayev, Ogtay Afandiyev, Eldar Baghirov and others noted that the level of diploma theses, presentation abilities of students increased in 2016/2017 academic year. They highly appreciated the activities of the university directed at improving the quality of teaching and its formation in accordance with the requirements of the economy. Besides, SAC chairmen emphasized the significance of making diploma theses more concrete and field relevant, as well as improving the IT knowledge of students. Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli thanked SAC chairmen for their suggestions, stressing that the university is currently working on the mentioned issues, but it needs the support from SAC chairmen participating in the meeting and representing various enterprises and companies to accelerate the works in this direction. In the end, Rector M. Babanli expressed gratitude to SAC chairmen for participation in the meeting and said that ASOIU will continue its efforts in order to provide an education in line with world standards.
