

News 23 Oct 2024
Guest professors hold seminar for students at ASOIU

A seminar titled “Data Analysis Based on Genetics and Artificial Intelligence for Early Disease Detection” was organized for undergraduate and graduate students at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), jointly hosted by ASOIU’s SABAH Groups and AI Academy.

The event featured Dr. Evan Williams, Deputy Director of the Luxembourg Center for Biomedical Systems and Chief Scientific Advisor at Glacies Biome, along with Nihat Aliyev, a researcher at the Luxembourg Center for Biomedical Systems and Founder and CEO of Glacies Biome. They led discussions on topics including “How do your genetics and environment shape your health?”, “Which parts of our DNA make us unique?”, and “What can we do with our DNA today?”

In addition to ASOIU students, participants from Baku State University and Azerbaijan Technical University also attended the seminar.

The event concluded with a Q&A session where participants’ questions were answered.
