

News 18 Oct 2017
ASOIU professor takes part in VI Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society

Head of “General and Applied Mathematics” Department of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Doctor of Sciences in Mathematics, Professor Araz Aliyev attended the VI Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society organized on October 2-5 by L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

At the session of the International conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the well-known scientist, Academician Muktarbay Otelbaev, Professor Araz Aliyev presented a talk entitled “On some inequalities connected with the norms of operators of intermediate derivatives”.

During the Congress, scientific discussions were held with mathematicians from Turkic-speaking countries, Russia and the UK, with whom it was decided to conduct joint scientific research in the future.
