On December 3, an educational session on "Mandatory Health Insurance" was conducted at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) by specialists from the State Agency on Mandatory Health Insurance.
Sevil Aliyeva, a senior specialist in the Agency's Public Relations Department, provided general information about mandatory health insurance. Her presentation covered topics such as insurance premiums, medical services included in the Benefits Package, procedures for using mandatory health insurance at public medical institutions (those under TABIB and scientific research institutes under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan) and private healthcare providers contracted by the agency. She also presented on the list of private medical institutions partnered with the agency and emphasized the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
At the end of the session, participants' questions were answered, and discussions were held.
It should be noted that the main goal of this project is to raise awareness about mandatory health insurance in Sumgait and nearby regions, assist in improving accessibility to health insurance services, and inform people about the procedures for applying to medical institutions to benefit from the mandatory health insurance system.