

News 19 Oct 2017
Information day of International Cooperation Office held at ASOIU

The International Cooperation Office (ICO) of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an Information day on October 19.

Addressing the event, head of ICO Jamila Ismayilzada provided extensive information on the activities of the office, work accomplished within two years, as well as mobility programs, summer schools and trainings opportunities for students. Speaking about international programs and new projects such as the establishment of the Career Center, J. Ismayilzada invited students to join the trainings to develop their social skills.

Exchange Program Coordinator Leyla Naghiyeva and Project Specialist Narmin Hamidli informed students about the significance, duration and requirements of Erasmus+, Mevlana and DAAD academic exchanges.

Sharing information about “ASOIU Summer School 2017”, International Event Coordinator Elmira Hasanova spoke about international exhibitions attended by the office.

At the end of the Info day, students received answers to their questions.
