

News 20 Oct 2017
Meeting of the commission, created with regard to the structure of Bachelor's theses and Master's dissertations and their requirements, held at ASOIU

A meeting of the commission, created with regard to the structure of Bachelor's theses and Master's dissertations and their requirements, was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on October 20.

The meeting was attended by the chairman of the commission, Rector of ASOIU Professor Mustafa Babanli, members - Vice-Rector for academic affairs Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, Vice-Rector for science and technology Associate Professor Rauf Aliyarov, Head of the Ph.D. Office Professor Latafat Gardashova, Head of General and Applied Mathematics Department Professor Araz Aliyev. The members discussed additions and amendments to “Methodical guidelines for the composition of Bachelor's theses and Master's dissertations and their defence at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University” adopted at the meeting of ASOIU Academic Board dated April 28, 2016. The structure of Bachelor's theses and Master's dissertations and their requirements were recommended by ASOIU Academic Board to be adopted as follows.


Structure of a Bachelor's thesis


Title page - 1 page

Abstract (1 page in Azerbaijani, Russian and English) - 3 pages

Table of contents - 1 page

Introduction - 1-3 pages

Modernity, relevancy, objective of the problem and innovation of the thesis should be explained depending on whether the subject is scientific, methodical or abstractive and analytical.

Parts (25 pages* minimum, 30 pages maximum):

1. Literature review (publications for the last 15 years) - up to 10 pages (Part 1).

Literature review should focus on the comparative analysis of the literature on the topic of the Bachelor's thesis. Relevant literature can be academic (scientific) journal articles and textbooks. The advantages and disadvantages of the problems covered in the literature should be featured, and the content of the issue to be resolved on the basis of the review should be formulated.

2. Research methods (Research methodology) - 5-10 pages (Part 2).

Research methods or methodology should be interpreted, their importance to the problem to be resolved should be justified, relevant ideas and suggestions should be given.

3. The results of the completed work - 10-15 pages (Part 3).

Computer simulation, modeling of processes, results of calculations and their analysis should be given in a clear, modern scientific and technical language.

4. Conclusion - 1 page (numeration by the level of significance).

5. List of references.

Literature for the last 15 years, including foreign resources (1-3 references from any publication year, 50 percent of the literature in English). The list of references may also include scientific or scientific-methodical websites.

*17 pages minimum on Computer Science degree


Structure of a Master's dissertation


Title page - 1 page

Abstract (1 page in Azerbaijani, Russian and English) - 3 pages

Table of contents - 1-2 pages

Introduction - 4-6 pages

Modernity, relevancy of the problem, innovation and objective of the research should be explained.

Parts (60 pages* minimum, 75 pages maximum):

1. Literature review (publications for the last 15 years) - up to 15 pages.

Literature review should focus on the comparative analysis of the literature on the topic of the Master's dissertation. Relevant literature can be academic (scientific) journal articles and textbooks, monographs, dissertations. The advantages and disadvantages of the problems covered in the literature should be featured and justified. The significance of the issue to be resolved on the basis of the review should be identified and its content should be formulated.

2. Research methods - up to 15 pages.

Research methods should be interpreted, their importance to the problem to be resolved should be justified, relevant ideas and suggestions should be given.

3. Experimental research or modeling of processes and results of calculations - up to 40 pages.

Experimental research, computer simulation, modeling of processes and results of calculations and their analysis should be given in a clear, modern scientific and technical language.

4. Conclusion - 1 page.

Numeration should be made by the level of significance.

5. List of references.

Literature for the last 15 years, including foreign resources (1-3 references from any publication year, 30 references minimum, 50 percent being in English). The list of references may also include scientific or scientific-methodical websites.

6. The results of the dissertation should at least be featured in 1 scientific article or 2 conference materials.

*40 pages minimum on Computer Science degree
