

News 24 Oct 2017
Rector of ASOIU meets with Editor-in-chief of Russian “Ore and Metals” Publishing house

Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) met on October 24 with Alexander Vorobyev, Editor-in-chief of Russian “Ore and Metals” Publishing house (“Руда и металлы”), Doctor of Economics, member of the Russian Geographical Society.

The meeting was attended by Vice-Rector for Science and Technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences Rauf Aliyarov, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Associate Professor Rafig Jamalov and head of “Industrial safety and labor security” Department, Professor Sakit Rasulov.

Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli informed the guest about the university’s history, prominent alumni, noting that AzII was one of the three higher education institutions in the USSR, that prepared specialists for foreign countries.

Speaking about education process, international relations, foreign students, Alumni and Career Center, Prof M. Babanli also gave information about “eazi START” Startup and Innovation Center, daily internship programs and other innovations.

Rector, Prof M. Babanli said ASOIU attaches particular importance to the development of science, stressing that the number of Master’s and Ph.D. students has increased by several times for the last two years. Prof Mustafa Babanli drew to Alexander Vorobyev’s attention the significant growth of articles included in “Web of science” database.

Expressing his gratitude to the Rector for the warm welcome, Editor-in-chief of “Ore and Metals” Publishing house A. Vorobyev said he is well informed about AzII and very pleased to be here. Providing information on the entity that he represents, A. Vorobyev emphasized his interest in cooperation with ASOIU.

At the end of the meeting, the sides decided to sign a memorandum on cooperation.
