

News 28 Dec 2024
ASOIU commences fall semester exam session

On December 28, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) launched the fall semester exam session for the 2024/2025 academic year. A total of 15398 undergraduate students and 2657 graduate students will participate in the session. The main exams will take place from December 28 to January 31.
Acting Rector of ASOIU, Associate Professor Vazeh Askarov, visited the exam halls to observe the examination process.
ASOIU has implemented all necessary measures to ensure the exams are conducted in accordance with established procedures, guaranteeing transparency and objectivity in assessing students' knowledge. The process is overseen by the Examination Monitoring Center established for this purpose.

Exams are held in three shifts (9:00 AM, 2:00 PM, and 5:00 PM), primarily in written format. However, exams for mathematics and foreign languages are conducted in a written-oral format. Appeals cannot be submitted for written-oral exams. After the exams, answers are coded and reviewed in a designated room,  with results published in the electronic system within 24 hours. Students have 72 hours from the announcement of the results to file an appeal.
It should also be noted that the fall semester exam session for part-time students at ASOIU was held from December 20 to 28. Students who receive unsatisfactory grades (resulting in a credit deficit in no more than two subjects), as well as those in lower or individual groups, may retake their exams from February 1 to 12 with a 25
