

News 22 Jan 2025
ASOIU ranks among the World's Best Universities in Times Higher Education Subject Rankings

For the first time, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has participated in the Times Higher Education (THE) rankings and achieved a position of 1251+ in the subject ranking for Engineering. This milestone significantly contributes to enhancing the university's scientific and academic reputation.
ASOIU’s publications and research in the field of Engineering are widely cited internationally, earning it the highest number of citations in Engineering within the country. These achievements underscore the university’s strong research foundation and its growing global impact in the field of Engineering.
We firmly believe in the continued growth of ASOIU’s academic achievements and are confident that even greater accomplishments lie ahead.
It should be noted that ASOIU is ranked 1251+ in the list of the world’s top universities in the “Engineering” category of THE’s subject rankings, which evaluates institutions across 11 subject areas. The methodology for THE’s subject rankings considers five main dimensions (teaching, research environment, research quality, industry, and international outlook) through 18 specific criteria. The rankings analyze 11 broad subject areas and 33 narrower subject categories.
