Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) has ranked 2nd in Azerbaijan, 2361st in Asia, and 5558th globally among 24,653 universities in the 2025 “AD Scientific Index” ranking.
ASOIU's high ranking in the “AD Scientific Index” is primarily due to the university's scientific indicators. Results based on metrics such as the overall H-index, the H-index over the last 6 years, the total i10 index, the i10 index over the last 6 years, total citation count, and citation count over the last 6 years reflect the university's strength in the scientific field and its international recognition.
Among Azerbaijani universities, Baku State University ranks first, and Azerbaijan Medical University ranks third.
AD Scientific Index (Alper-Doger Scientific Index) is a ranking and analysis system that evaluates not only scientific journals and universities but also analyzes the scientific performance and productivity of individual scientists. This system is the only university/institution ranking system that analyzes the distribution of scientists within a university or institution according to the top 10, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 90 percentiles, as well as the total number of scientists. Additionally, the “AD Scientific Index” provides the unique ability to rank universities based on the overall H-index, the H-index over the last 6 years, the total i10 index, and citations.
It is worth noting that, from 2020 to 2025, there has been a significant increase in the number of articles published and cited under the name of ASOIU in journals included in the bibliometric databases SCOPUS and WoS. Since 2020, the number of articles and citations in journals included in Web of Science and SCOPUS databases has more than doubled.
ASOIU was also included in the prestigious "Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2025" last year. In the 2025 "Times Higher Education" global university ranking, ASOIU ranked 1501+.