

News 03 Nov 2017
ASOIU students receive access to resources of Russia’s famous Electronic Library System

From November 1 to December 4 Russian company IPR Media is providing free internet access for Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) to resources of the Electronic Library System IPRbooks.

ASOIU’s academic staff members and students can access the database by entering the following login and password.

Login — asoiu.edu.az

Password — 9HKpKamL

Notably, the Electronic Library System IPRbooks is a unique resource, which comprises licensed educational and scientific reference books, journals, audio publications, video tutorials, online tests on areas, taught at your educational institution. The platform allows accessing the collection of the most up-to-date books, which are unavailable for free access on the Internet. Working with ELS IPRbooks will help you save your time and money spent on the search and purchase of publications recommended for training. Moreover, you will be able to address the system and full-text books without any restrictions – 24/7 from any electronic device.
