

News 08 Nov 2017
ASOIU students present an artistic performance dedicated to Flag and Constitution Days

On November 8 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held an event to celebrate November 9 - Flag Day and November 12 - Constitution Day.

Opening the event, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev highly appreciated the initiatives of young people to commemorate the Flag Day and spoke about the history of our tricolor flag. Saying that the Azerbaijani flag reflects the past, present and future days of our people, Vice Rector, Associate Professor A. Babayev expressed congratulations to everyone on the occasion of this day.

Participants hailed the activities, that are being implemented to ensure the proud waving of the Azerbaijani flag, and talked about the adoption of the Constitution, which is the principal law of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The event also involved poems and patriotic songs, performed by the university's talented students.
