

News 15 Nov 2017
Graduates of ASOIU SABAH groups achieved high results – Shahin Seyidzade

Head of the Executive Committee of SABAH groups Shahin Seyidzade held a meeting with SABAH students of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on November 15. The meeting was attended by ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov, head of the ASOIU SABAH groups Narmina Aliyeva and students.   

ASOIU Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor Gasim Mammadov noted the advancing significance of SABAH groups. He stressed that the quality indicators of ASOIU SABAH students are quite high.

Head of the SABAH Executive Committee Shahin Seyidzade provided information on success indicators and innovations of the SABAH project. Then, he stated the number of first graduates of SABAH groups for 2016-2017 academic year. Saying 39% and 16% of SABAH graduates got admitted to Master’s degree at local and foreign universities accordingly, Mr. Seyidzade informed that 55% of students started their Master’s education overall. Head of the SABAH Executive Committee said they have not had such high results so far and noted that the activities are currently being planned in order to further increase the statistics. Shahin Seyidzade added that there is a number of new projects to be implemented for students’ admission to Master’s degree in and outside the country, conduction of scientific research works, their recruitment and involvement in startup projects. At the end of the meeting, students received answers to their questions.
