

News 20 Nov 2017
ASOIU holds a meeting with poet and publicist Suleyman Alisa

On November 20 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting with the famous poet and publicist Suleyman Alisa. Opening the event, ASOIU Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, Associate Professor Ata Babayev spoke about the significance of such meetings for students.

Suleyman Alisa provided the participants with brief information about himself, talked about his books and international conferences that he joined. Presenting to students the so-called book “Təklə eli, tərəkəmə dünyası” (Tekle tribe, terekeme world), poet and publicist S. Alisa said the book is an interesting research work in terms of studying the ethnic history of the Azerbaijani people. The author noted that the book widely investigates our people's history, ethnography, folklore in the example of Tekle, one of the biggest tribes that have played a vital role in our ethnogenesis, the place and role of the mentioned tribe in this area, its ethnographic originality and characteristics of literary-artistic creativity.

At the end of the event, students received answers to their questions.

Notably, Suleyman Alisa is the author of the books “Neva sahillərində görüşlər” (Meetings on the shores of Neva), “Moskvada Azərbaycan dünyası” (Azerbaijani world in Moscow), “Dünya azərbaycanlıları” (World Azerbaijanis), which contribute to spread Azerbaijanism ideas, broadly featuring the activities of the world Azerbaijanis.
