

News 21 Nov 2017
UFAZ hosts a seminar on “Higher education expectations”

On November 21 the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) functioning under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a seminar titled “Higher education expectations”, organized by the Ministry of Education.

The seminar was attended by ministry and media representatives, educational experts, heads of press services of higher education institutions. 

Yagub Piriyev, Head of the Department of Science, Higher and Secondary Specialized Education at the Ministry of Education, made a presentation on “Analyzing the results of student admission”. Y. Piriyev provided general information on quantity and quality indicators of student admission to higher education institutions for the last four years and emphasized that a positive dynamics is observed in results of entrance exams each year. It was also noted that the average score indicator of those admitted to universities has risen over the past years. 2.472 people have scored over 600 points in entrance exams this year. General results of bachelors in exams for Master's degree has increased by 36.3 percent compared to the previous academic year. 

It was mentioned at the seminar that the number of international students enrolled in higher education institutions in 2017/2018 academic year has increased in comparison with previous years, reaching 5410 people.

Delivering a speech at the event, representative of Clarivate Analytics in Azerbaijan Aygun Babazade said as a result of collaboration with the world's leading scientific platform Web of Science the number of teachers and students of Azerbaijani universities having their articles indexed in this scientific database has increased by 57%. In conclusion, participants held discussions, and questions were answered regarding both of the presentations. 
