

News 23 Nov 2017
UFAZ Management Committee meeting held in Strasburg

The first meeting of the Committee of Science of the Azerbaijani-French University (UFAZ) functioning under Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) was held at the University of Strasbourg (Unistra) on November 22. The meeting featured discussions about electing one director for the Committee of Science from Unistra and ASOIU, defining the internal regulations of the Committee, overview of the first school year, requirements for enrolment of international students to UFAZ in 2018 academic year and other issues.

The second meeting of the UFAZ Management Committee took place at Unistra on November 23. The meeting was attended by Unistra President Michel Deneken, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, Head of the Department of Science, Higher and Secondary Specialized Education at the Ministry of Education Yagub Piriyev, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry Mukhtar Mammadov, Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France for Higher Education and Research Clelia Chevrier-Kolacko, as well as ASOIU, Unistra and UFAZ representatives.

The sides discussed the number of enrollees in the current academic year, UFAZ assessment report for the first academic year, budget management, pedagogical and scientific issues, UFAZ development strategy and other matters.

The next meeting of the UFAZ Management Committee is planned to be held in Baku in 2018.
