

News 28 Nov 2017
ASOIU holds a training on “Education abroad: opportunities, terms, requirements”

The next training of the Alumni and Career Center titled “Education abroad: opportunities, terms, requirements” took place at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on November 28. The training was led by Ziya Gafarli, alumnus of the University of Manchester (UK) and chairman of the Azerbaijan-UK Alumni Association (AUKAA), and Narmin Hamidli, Project Specialist of ASOIU International Cooperation Office.

During the training, information was given about education at universities of Hungary, China (Asia), advantages of studying at different academic levels at foreign universities, scholarships offered by SOCAR, BP and other such companies, exchange programs, study abroad and scholarships implemented by ASOIU International Cooperation Office.

In conclusion, students received answers to their questions.
