

News 06 Dec 2017
ASOIU holds a meeting with Ambassador of Indonesia to Azerbaijan

On December 6 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting with Husnan Bey Fananie, Ambassador of Indonesia to our country.

Firstly, the ambassador met with the Rector of the university, Professor Mustafa Babanli. At the meeting featuring discussions about Indonesian-Azerbaijani friendship, the sides talked about the development of relations with ASOIU and cooperation with Indonesian universities in various areas.

Husnan Bey Fananie said Indonesian youth shows an interest in studying at ASOIU, adding that he will do his best for the building of cooperation relations with higher education institutions in his country.

Expressing satisfaction with seeing the guest at the university, Rector, Professor M. Babanli noted that relations with Indonesia have always been one of the priority areas. Rector, Professor M. Babanli stressed the importance of cooperation in education, technology, and research.

Later, the ambassador met with ASOIU students. Delivering a presentation about Indonesia, Husnan Bey Fananie said Azerbaijan is one of the most beautiful and affluent countries in the world. Emphasizing that Azerbaijan has been his second homeland since the first day of his appointment as ambassador, Husnan Bey Fananie spoke about Azerbaijani-Indonesian relations. The diplomat stressed that Indonesia explicitly defends Azerbaijan's fair position – territorial integrity in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Then, the ambassador provided students with information on his country and demonstrated video presentations reflecting various areas.
