

News 11 Dec 2017
Great leader Heydar Aliyev commemorated at ASOIU

A commemorative event in memory of the national leader Heydar Aliyev was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) on December 11.

At the event joined by ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, academic staff members and students of the university, a moment of silence was held to remember the great leader.

Rector M. Babanli said Heydar Aliyev had exceptional services for Azerbaijan both during the Soviet period and the years of independence, adding that he devoted special attention to the development of science, education, and culture. Informing that hundreds of young people were sent to study abroad during the first period of the great leader’s power in Azerbaijan, Rector, Prof M. Babanli highlighted that those individuals currently hold high positions in various areas in Azerbaijan.

Member of Parliament, ASOIU professor Huseynbala Miralamov said when Heydar Aliyev returned to power by the public insistence in 1993, Azerbaijan was facing with civil war, and that as a result of the great leader’s far-sighted policy our country was saved from the danger of being separated.

Chairperson of ASOIU YAP first party organization, Associate Professor Tamilla Naibova spoke about the national leader Heydar Aliyev’s irreplaceable services and large-scale construction works completed under his leadership, adding that his dear memory will always live in our hearts.
