

News 11 Dec 2017
Final meeting of Students’ 66th Scientific and Technical Conference held at ASOIU

The final meeting of Students’ 66th Scientific and Technical Conference dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the prominent scientist Agha Akhundov was held at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University on December 11.

Saying that the aim to hold the conference is to raise the interest of students in science, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli stressed that while selecting the winners the preference was expressed for quality instead of quantity. Declaring that he joined the meetings in separate sections of the conference, Rector M. Babanli expressed his general contentment with students’ papers.  

Rector, Prof Mustafa Babanli noted that students had maximum responsibility for the conference, expressing his belief that the quality of reports will rise further in the following years.

Heads of sections by faculties delivered a speech, informing about the progress and result of the conference.

The awarding ceremony of conference winners was then held.

In conclusion, the winning students made a speech and shared their impressions about the conference.
