

News 12 Dec 2017
Rector of ASOIU meets with Cisco representatives  

On December 12 Rector of Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU), Professor Mustafa Babanli met with Sharif Shikhlinski, Cisco Country Manager in Azerbaijan, and Olena Domotenko, Program Manager at Cisco Networking Academy in CIS countries.

At the meeting, the sides discussed the relations and course of action, noting that over 10 specialists among ASOIU students are being prepared as a result of the cooperation with Cisco.

Saying he attaches great importance to the cooperation with Cisco, ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli expressed his belief in further expansion of this successful cooperation. Rector M. Babanli informed about ASOIU-founded IT Academy, stressing the significance of organizing discounted courses in order to raise further the interest of students in IT and provide their participation in Cisco exams.

Cisco Country Manager in Azerbaijan Sharif Shikhlinski emphasized that education and cooperation with educational establishments are of great importance for Cisco, adding that they are ready for a widespread cooperation with ASOIU. He stressed that network management and cybersecurity are currently one of the main objectives of the company.  

Program Manager at Cisco Networking Academy in CIS countries Olena Domotenko talked about Cisco’s continuously updated aims in line with rapid development pace of information technologies. She also informed that, at present, Cisco holds a number of international conferences for students.
