

News 12 Dec 2017
ASOIU holds a meeting with NASA’s famous female astronaut

On December 12 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) held a meeting with U.S. Navy Captain and former astronaut Heide Piper.

Firstly meeting with ASOIU Rector, Professor Mustafa Babanli, NASA astronaut Heide Piper said she was pleased to be at the university.

Expressing his satisfaction with seeing the guest at the university, Rector, Professor M. Babanli presented her a memorable gift. In return, Captain Piper gave her NASA spacesuit chevron to ASOIU’s museum.

Then, the astronaut met with students. Captain Piper delivered an inspiring speech to help students take successful steps in their future life and career. According to Piper, if a person is determined to reach a goal, there will be no obstacle to achieve it. She noted that it is not hard to overcome restrictions and stereotypes about women. In conclusion, Piper demonstrated a presentation featuring photos about her life and spacewalks.

Notably, Captain Piper retired in July 2015 after serving the U.S. fleet for 30 years. A veteran of two space flights, she has logged 27 days and 15 hours in space, and 33 hours and 42 minutes in 5 spacewalks.  
